
Greetings from your English teacher, Mrs. Cannady. Feel free to contact me at Whitewater Middle School between the hours of 8:45-10:15 a.m. at 770-460-3450.
I began this blog while attending the University of West Georgia. It was a project I began for course I took while earning my Specialist Degree.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Songs for Grammar Instruction

I have used this site for grammar instruction. The songs are NOT free, but there are some samples. My students love the change of pace.


Bonnie said...

What a great site. I will have to tell my students about this. For several years I used a catchy song to help my students learn the Quadratic formula when I use to teach math. It really worked great to help them remember the steps. I listened to some of the songs on the site and I noticed it has songs for all areas of learning, not just English.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

Thanks for sharing this site. I have been looking for a new site for learning songs. I like to use songs to help students remember important concepts.