
Greetings from your English teacher, Mrs. Cannady. Feel free to contact me at Whitewater Middle School between the hours of 8:45-10:15 a.m. at 770-460-3450.
I began this blog while attending the University of West Georgia. It was a project I began for course I took while earning my Specialist Degree.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Prepositional Phrases

Follow this link for assistance with prepositional phrases. Print out any quiz you take, and I will add 10 extra credit points to your lowest grade. If your printer does not work, have a parent sign your agenda stating that you took a quiz and reviewed the material on the link.


Tiffany said...

Your students don't know what they are missing! Bonus points just for participating!!! If Dr. B offered me to go to a website for some bonus points I would be there in an instant! haha. Hope your students join soon. You have great resources.

Bonnie said...

Can I get extra credit for participating?? What a great resource for your students and I hope they eventually try it out.